Lock Down : Home Workout

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Dr. Robert Schuller

To that one soul reading this: I know you’re tired, you’re fed up, you’re close to breaking, but there’s strength within you, even when you feel weak. Keep fighting.

So, before starting anything, we all know that everyone is inside the houses in this lockdown. And most probably the fitness enthusiasts are waiting to reopen the gyms, parks, and their workout places. The lockdown has also given the government an opportunity to prepare for a possiblities in cases when the pandemic is moving rapidly to peak in the upcoming weeks. People are looking for lockdown training videos.

For days when everyone is unable to access the gym or not even in mood of taking an outdoor workout, let’s start with home cardio workout.

Yes, Home Workout ! Before the gyms were discovered, in the ancient times, people use to practise the home workout. The history is repeating itself, and we can go with the same method, as our ancestors used to do.

Home Workout, will it work or not ?

Well, buying a home gym or purchasing the gym membership, both have their pros. and cons. But, looking on the situations of lockdown and pandemic crisis, it’s better to plan the home workout.

Now looking on the pros. of having Home workout is that you can workout whenever you want, morning or evening, daytime or late night. You don’t have to wait for the gym to open. You have the freedom to play your own music playlist as loud as you want to, nobody is going to stop you. However, home workout can feel you lonely at times because of the absence of environment that gyms offer. But some people love to workout alone because they want secluded atmosphere and also are not comfortable with their bodies. So, they choose to workout in the privacy of their own personal space. Some people avoid themselves to the gym because of their self-consciousness.

Yes, in the beginning, it costs too much in a home gym, but also very much cheaper than gym membership in the long run. The lifespan of your home gym will last for long term of time, if you’ve bought the high-quality equipment. Also, you can trim a & add-on, customize your home gym to meet your personal needs & goals.

Also plus point of Home gyms is that they more convenient as compare to gym memberships. Home gym is right at our home, making it more accessible for you to fit workouts into your day. You’re more likely to practice your fitness plan if you have a home gym as you can’t make any single excuses about not having time to go to the gym. Also, we don’t have to worry when the weather’s bad, you can still workout at home. Most importantly, people living in rural areas have the most advantage of having the home gyms because in rural areas there is almost no gyms.

Beside this, you are the boss of your gym, home gym. You don’t have to wait for the other person to finish his workout to access the equipments. You don’t have to share your equipment with other people. It’s upon you, how much time you want to spend on the equipment of your choosing and also you won’t pick up any germs. You’ll be having your own personal hygienic equipment at your home gym. Furthermore, you are away from the squeamish experience of touching strangers’ sweat and getting a whiff of their foul body odor.

As we have came to know about the advantage of home gym, and pros. of home workout. Without any delay, we should move in and explore more about home workout.


Why Running ? Running for Cause.

Running means to humans is to improved health and life expectancy. Running is the moving constantly and uniformly, putting one step another after. Just to make the journey quicker, we use to prefer running over walking.

Running For a Cause is the must watch video for runners.

Running as Beginner

Now, mostly people thinks, running is just moving as fast as they can. Especially when you’re a beginner. ‘You have to start where you are, not where you think you should be,’ says running coach and exercise physiologist Janet Hamilton. ‘If you go further or faster than you’re ready for, your body can’t adapt quickly enough and you’ll get injured.’ That’s why, with plans designed by highly experienced coach Sam Murphy, we’ve developed a five-part programme to take you from your very first steps to stepping up for your first race. So, are you ready?

Source: YouTube

That’s it folks, in the next edition, we’ll talk more about the perspective of Running, the different method to run & their cause, impact of running on our immunity system. We shall bring the best information regarding health & fitness that you’d love to binge. Until then Subscribe to our blog to keep updated for our new post.

” Running lets your immune smile. Run For Cause.”

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